Minotaurs Have Stable of Backs to Feed

December 27, 2010

The Virgin Islands Minotaurs have surprisingly drafted five running backs in just 27 rounds. Owner Colin Durina describes the team's collection as "deadly" and feels they can do anything when combined together. Rashard Mendenhall will be the feature back getting most of the carries, Darren McFadden will provide the speed, Reggie Bush is the receiver, Toby Gerhart is the power back, and Peyton Hillis is all of them combined.

So why did they draft all of them?

I don't know.

But for all the holes the Minotaurs might have in other areas, they won't lack depth at the running back position and can always rely on someone being able to move the ball. But these guys won't just take turns toting the rock. Nope. Durina says that there will usually be two backs on the field at the same time - sometimes even three.

This is a really good idea. Running back is a fragile position and having unlimited options like the Minotaurs is smart. Just as long as Peyton Hillis doesn't spend ten minutes flexing after scoring. Or as long as Bush and McFadden don't get into trouble off the field. And if Gerhart can burn his degree from Stanford. Then, and only then, will this strange strategy work.

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